Internet chat rooms are interesting arenas.
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
I received an email the other day from a client who forwarded some comments made about the TFT Mastery Program from one of these “chat” forums. TFT Mastery is a program designed to educate and train clients who desire to become TFT trainers.
The program has rigorous physical and academic standards. It is designed as such to produce trainers who can instruct the system physically and explain the physical trauma accurately. The physical part of the training occurs at the live seminars held throughout the year. Training time is logged and candidates are tested at every juncture to gauge their progress.
The academic portion is done online in between the seminars and, again, lessons are given and knowledge is tested. One of the tools I use is the “Anatomy Coloring Book” which is a standard text most medical schools use to quickly train students on the human body and its components.
The method of color-coding different bones, joints, and nerves has proved to be a time-tested method for rapid assimilation of this information as well as providing long-term ability to recall the information.
A TFT trainer is not just physically able to show you how to fight but must be able to accurately explain the trauma inflicted to the other guy as you strike these specific targets on the human body.
A certain “chat room black belt” was deriding any program that used coloring books and wondered if Crayola crayons were issued to TFT Mastery candidates. Which just goes to show how one-dimensional most combat sport and martial arts practitioners are when it comes to trauma.
They just want to see a new “technique” rather than understand how to systematically shut down the other guy(s) by understanding how to effectively deliver trauma to vulnerable areas of the human body.
To be able to deliver a strike is only one half of the equation — to know where to deliver the strike for maximum effect — EVERY TIME — is truly the acme of skill in hand-to-hand combat.
So I’ll let the “internet warriors” have fun with my coloring book requirements but they may be surprised what you can learn with a box of crayons…