“…Enter TFT… finally, a simple, no-nonsense, straightforward…”

“All I can say is – why didn’t anyone tell me about you sooner? Most people waste countless years searching for the answer to the question, “How would I defend myself (and my family) in a life-or-death confrontation?” That question leads many down the wrong path — they go to the gym to get bigger and stronger… or, if that doesn’t make them feel more confident, they seek out a martial art or boxing… and if those studies don’t answer the question, they purchase handguns or buy attack dogs or get elaborate alarm systems… all in the name of self-protection.

“All of these pursuits are born out of self-doubt and fear that in a real ‘life-or-death’ confrontation — you wouldn’t be up to the ultimate challenge. What if the attacker had a knife or a gun? What if there was more than one attacker? The ‘what-if’ scenarios never end… and they are all born out of an innate fear of violence and death.

“Enter TFT… finally, a simple, no-nonsense, straightforward, down-to-earth approach on how to handle ‘lethal’ violence. It doesn’t require any special skills, athletic ability, or previous training — just a willingness to learn an unbeatable system based on taking advantage of the inherent weaknesses of the physical body. With this powerful information, you level the playing field… a highly trained military man or police officer is NO MORE proficient than an average everyday ‘joe’ who’s never trained a day in his life. And to think — you can give a person more ‘real world’ life-or-death fighting skills in one weekend than most people will get from training their entire lives.

“All I can say is thank you… thank you for giving me the quiet confidence to not feel threatened by ego-based confrontation… and to feel completely confident that I know EXACTLY what to do if I’m ever faced with the REAL threat of a lethal confrontation. Keep up the great work!!!!”

Brian Kay
New Jersey
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